Monday, February 12, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.4(Alg.2a,2b) Solving INEQUALITIES by Addition and Subtraction

Dear Girls and Boys,
We have covered several steps in solving EQUATIONS, but this lesson is about " Inequations" or really, INEQUALITIES!  In equations, you have both sides of the equal sign equal to each other.  But in Inequalities, both sides are NOT EQUAL- But I bet you will recall working with greater and less than signs ( <  > ) right?  So there is not one solution as in equalities, but a great deal of solutions..... There are several PROPERTIES associated with inequalities - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Properties of Inequalities- very similar to the Equations properties.  So, watch the videos and ask questions as you need them.....
This is Brady and he broke his arm!  Poor puppy.  He is 16 weeks and needs this cast on until his next cast next week.  Oh my achy heart! 

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

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