Monday, February 12, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.4(Alg.2a,2b) Solving INEQUALITIES by Addition and Subtraction

Dear Girls and Boys,
We have covered several steps in solving EQUATIONS, but this lesson is about " Inequations" or really, INEQUALITIES!  In equations, you have both sides of the equal sign equal to each other.  But in Inequalities, both sides are NOT EQUAL- But I bet you will recall working with greater and less than signs ( <  > ) right?  So there is not one solution as in equalities, but a great deal of solutions..... There are several PROPERTIES associated with inequalities - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Properties of Inequalities- very similar to the Equations properties.  So, watch the videos and ask questions as you need them.....
This is Brady and he broke his arm!  Poor puppy.  He is 16 weeks and needs this cast on until his next cast next week.  Oh my achy heart! 

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Thursday, February 1, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.4(Alg.2a,2b) MORE 2 Step Equations

Dear Girls and Boys,
This lesson is about solving more types of 2 - Step Equations.  Not only do you have to solve, but you must check the answer as well.  Make certain that you can do both- solve and check - these problems.  If after doing the practice sheets and you still need practice, jump into your textbook and do a few more until you are comfortable. 

This is Isaac and he is fishing at Wassamski Springs Campground.  Have you been there?

As always in MATH,
Mrs M 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.4(Alg.2a,2b) Solving 2 Step Equations

Dear Girls and Boys,
So, I hope that you found solving 1-step equations understandable, as we are building on from this to 2-step equations.  A 2 step equation has 2 operations to solve, therefor, the name.  The catch is that you solve them in REVERSE order of Order of Operations!  This is tricky, so pay attention to the videos and ask questions. 

Another stunning picture capture by Brady.  He snapped this on our field trip to Fort Williams.  Can you identify the light house?

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

CCSS.Math.7.EE.4(Alg.2b) Solving Equations with Rational Coefficients

Dear Girls and Boys,
Wow! What a mouthful the title is!  Are you familiar with all the terms? I hope so and if not, please go back and look them up.  This lesson seems a tad harder, but hopefully, as you do each step, this becomes understandable.  Remember, coefficients are the number part of a term and a rational coefficient will mean whole numbers, fractions and decimals both positive and negative! This ups the anty from solving with whole numbers!  YOU GOT THIS, right?
This is Amy and her older brother, Micheal.  
This was a few years ago. They look close.

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.4a(Alg.2a,2b) Solving ONE Step Equations - Multiply and Divide

Good morning Girls and Boys,
Building on from the last lesson of adding and subtracting to balance an equation, this lesson is on solving one step equations using multiplication and division.  These are a tad more complicated, but I do believe you will catch on quickly.  Vocabulary for this lesson is COEFFICIENT- the number part of the term ( and the number takes the sign); Plus the 2 properties - Property of Division of Equality and Property of Multiplication of Equality - both of these properties( laws of math) are used to solve 1 step equation by balancing each side.  YOUR JOB is to always keep in balance when you are solving equations.  
Be still my heart..... meet Brady.  He is Whitney's new puppy.  What a snuggle bun he is.  

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

CCSS.Math.7.EE.3, 4(Alg.2a,2b) Equations and Inequalities

Dear Girls and Boys, 
We are finally learning about EQUATIONS!  Yay, we are Really into Algebra! First and for most, vocabulary: Algebra is a sentence where the quantities are equal to each other.  They are balanced! And it is your job to keep them balanced as you solve them! Subtraction and Addition Properties are minor voc terms.  They undo the equation to solve.  We will go over this in class, but don't panic! We will be using all the NEGATIVE RULES, RATIONAL RULES and EXPRESSION Rules!  So remember, this is the putting all your skills together so far!  Are you ready?  I believe you are.
Ask questions and have fun with this! 

This is Jax, he is the sweet bunny of Jasper! Look at those cheeks!  
As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.1,2(ALg.1b) Factoring Linear Expressions

Good Morning Girls and Boys,
I hope you have all mastered the adding and subtracting linear expressions - because today we will be moving on to something new.   The new thing is Factoring - you have done factoring when you simplify fractions.  For instance: If you have 3/6 - you can simplify it by taking a factor of 3 from both the numerator and the denominator.    The word FACTOR means to write a number as a product of factors - bet this is as clear as mud!  After a few examples, I am sure you will get the hang of it.  

This is Hailee in her dance makeup and costume!  I hardly recognized her!  Hailee sure is talented !

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Monday, January 22, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.1,2(Alg.1b) Subtracting Linear Expressions

Dear Girls and Boys,
Building on the last lesson, adding expressions, we will be looking into subtracting expressions.  This is a bit more difficult to understand, but I am certain that you will do fine.  Make sure to follow the "ALL ABOUT THE SIGNS" graphic organizer!  With subtracting, you will still be working with LIKE TERMS- pay close attention to the signs!
You will be DISTRIBUTING the NEGATIVE SIGN to BOTH TERMS!!!! Pay attention to the videos as this will help clear up what I just wrote!

These sweet twin kitties belong to Hunter.  They are so precious.  

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Friday, January 19, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE 1,2(Alg.1b) Adding Linear Expressions

Dear Girls and Boys,
Well, we are finally coming to something that we can do with expressions- and this is adding them! The vocabulary term is Linear Expression - now the definition from the dictionary is a bit unclear, as in very unclear, so you may choose to use mine.  Linear refers to a line - do you see the word line inside linear? In the near future we will be learning how to graph equations and when done so, it will form a line.  But for now, know that a linear expression when graphed will form a line.  You need to KNOW all of the vocabulary words for EXPRESSIONS at this time.  

Heheeheeee..... what a sweet pup.  He belongs to Kayleigh.  
Loving this pup.
As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Thursday, January 18, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.1,2 ( Alg. 1b) Simplify ALGEBRAIC Expressions

Dear Girls and Boys,
We are building on with the performance target in EXPRESSIONS, so you may need to review the last lesson especially in regards to the vocabulary.  For this section, we are working with LIKE TERMS.  A like Term is a term that can be combined - for example:  4x - 3 + 2x  - The 4x and 2x are like terms and they combing to 6x. All constants are like terms as well.  You will get loads of practice on the vocabulary, 
so please learn them as soon as possible.

This little guy will live in Brady's heart forever! His passing has been rough for Brady.  
He will be greatly missed.
As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.1,2(Alg.1a,1b) Distributive Property

Dear Girls and Boys,
Last lesson we were talking about Properties or laws of math.  The 2 properties that are important are - Commutative ( Flipping numbers) and Associative( Flipping parenthesis) PROPERTIES.  Well, the 3rd most important ( actually the first!) is the Distributive Property when you are working in Expressions and Equations.  Distributive Property is the law is like double multiply! For Example: a(b + c) : you multiply the a to b and then multiply the a to the c. The answer would be ab + ac.  I know this is confusing, but after a few examples you will understand completely.  Other  vocabulary terms associated with the Distributive Property are: Terms - Variables - Constants - Coefficients!  You must be able to identify these words in an expression.  
-6 + 6x - 2y + 4 - 10k 
Terms: -6   6x  -2y  4  - 10 k
Variables: x y k
Constants: -6   4
Coefficients: 6   -2  -10
For this Performance Indicator, you will be creating another GRAPHIC ORGANIZER - with all of the properties mentioned so far:  Commutative Property, Associative Property, Identity Property, and Distributive Property.  There is a sample graphic organizer tacked to the board to view. THIS MUST BE STARTED TODAY!!

These kitties belong to Austin.  What little Sweeties!

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.1,2(NQ.1a,1b) Properties of Operations

Dear Girls and Boys,
Today we are working with some PROPERTIES in math.  Properties are somewhat like the LAWS of math.  Once upon a time, several people got together and decided that there must be an order in math otherwise, there would be no consistency in getting the same answers.  This led to the birth of PROPERTIES! Simply a standard way of doing multiple operations.  The first property that you are very familiar with is ORDER OF OPERATIONS!  When you have a math sentence with many operations ( there are only 4 - addition, subtraction, multiplication or division ) you MUST adhere to the properties. In OOO ( Order of Operations) you start with working inside the parenthesis - then move to Exponents - the third step is either X or /  whichever one comes first in the sentence- and the last step is to solve +  or - ; again, whichever one you come to first.  You may recall the saying - Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.  
There are several other operations that are also vital to know and understand.  The first being, COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY and the second one, ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY.  
These properties are for both addition and multiplication.  The commutative property is when you switch the number around and associative property is when the parenthesis switches but the numbers stay put.  
Commutative  2 +3 = 3 + 2       2(3) = (3)2
Associative  2 +( 3 + 4) = (2 + 3) + 4 

This is Amy's kitty, Boris sitting in his cone of SHAME!!! He is not impressed!  
As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Monday, January 8, 2018

CCSS.Math.7.EE.1,2(NQ.1a,1b) Expressions - SEQUENCES

Dear Girls and Boys,

I am sure you know what a sequence is, but just in case, a SEQUENCE is an ordered list of number to the previous- it is like a pattern.  Inside a sequence, each number is called a TERM. 
These terms are Rational numbers- all whole, all fractions and some decimals - terminating and repeating- both positive and negative.  
This section should be fairly fast so, do all that you can to understand this lesson on Sequences.

Owen took this amazing picture of Portland Harbor Lighthouse off of Fort Williams.  A great memory from our field trip to the fort and to the Portland Museum of Art.  
As always in MATH,
Mrs M