Friday, April 21, 2017

CCSS.Math.7.G.1-3 (1a) - Classify Triangles by Sides and Angles

Good Morning Girls and Boys,
Now that you know everything you need to know about angles, you will be building on that knowledge with TRIANGLES!  Triangles are closed figures with 3 sides and 3 angles.  
(So, do you know what the prefix tri means?  What about the meaning of a closed figure?) 
Mathematicians classify triangles in 2 ways.  One way is by the angles- ACUTE TRIANGLE is when all 3 angles are acute angles- OBTUSE TRIANGLES have 1 obtuse angle- and lastly, RIGHT TRIANGLE is when there is a right angle.  Sounds quite logical, right?  The second way a triangle is classified is by the length of the sides.  There are 3 names for this category: SCALENE TRIANGLE is when NO sides are congruent, ISOSCELES TRIANGLES is when there are 2 congruent sides, and lastly, EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES is when 
all 3 sides are congruent. 
Besides classifying triangles by names, there is another fact about all triangles ------- The SUM ( adding all the angle measures) of all 3 Angles for EVERY TRIANGLE = 180* .  This fact is very useful in solving many Triangle problems.   
 Make sure to ask questions if you have them especially after watching the videos and taking notes.  
This is Jillian skiing down Shawnee Peak!  Looks like she really enjoys this!  

Check out the videos on Classifying TRIANGLES in the Geometry Standards tab above.  Make certain to take complete notes and vocabulary terms ( meaningful definitions and examples for each) in your graphic organizer.

As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

CCSS.Math.G.7.1-3 (1a) Complementary and Supplementary Angles

Good evening girls and boys,
We are moving on with more in depth GEOMETRY.  I know you are all ready for this next lesson, right?
This new lesson in geometry is on COMPLEMENTARY and SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES!  Remember when I said that Vocabulary is EXTREMELY important. So let's focus on these everyday. The new vocabulary words are Complementary and Supplementary Angles.
Complementary Angles are a pair of angles that add up to 90* - Supplementary Angles are a pair of angles that add up to 180*.  How you remember these is somewhat difficult- how I do is that C in complementary comes first in ABC order then supplementary is second.  So 90 is before 180.  I also think that c is half of s therefore, 90 is half of 180.  I know this is confusing writing this out- I will explain this in class. BUT however you need to do this, you must learn the difference between the 2angles.  
Vocabulary is everything in geometry.  Completely define all terms with a meaningful definition and examples.
Go up to the Geometry Standards and click on your videos. Take complete notes on everything on each slide. 

This is Taylor's aunt's cat. His name is Barnabe and he is unable to move so Taylor is comforting him.   As always in MATH,
Mrs M

Thursday, April 6, 2017

CCSS.Math.7.G.1-3 (1a) - Classify Angles - Vertical and Adjacent Angles

Good Morning to you all,

Today, with this being the 4th quarter, we are changing up a great deal of the videos.  There still will be videos to watch and take notes on, but they will be sorted in a different way.  Look to the top of this blog, and you will see some tabs.  Go to the Geometry tab above, and watch the first 5 videos.  You must write down the whole title- STANDARD - as it is on the video, 
plus everything I write as well.
We are starting Geometry this week with a focus on the standards and connecting some work into our birding station.  
VOCABULARY- define each of these terms with a meaningful definition and examples in your Graphic Organizers:
Straight Angles, Right Angles, Acute Angles, Obtuse Angles
Vertical Angles
Adjacent Angles

This is Dottie. A dolphin from Sea World in California.  Hanging on Dottie is Ambrosia. What memories!  

As Always in MATH,
Mrs M